
Sufficient for Our Need
Striving for Self-Sufficiency in the Modern World

Monday, April 5, 2010

Potato Retry

I have grown suspicious that the potato seeds I planted had been too dried out to work. After two weeks, I have seen no signs of life whatsoever.

I was in the garage the other day and saw a paper bag on top of our refrigerator that is there. We kept last year's Yukon Golds in the fridge to store them, so I wasn't sure why the bag was where it was. I looked inside and saw a dozen potatoes, most of them with nice sized sprouts. So, yesterday, I cut out the eyes and let them sit over night. This evening after work, I went out and replanted the 48 seeds I had cut out in the holes where the other potatoes had been. Only one of the potato seeds that I plucked out had any sign of life. I am hoping that, even though the seeds were relatively small, the fact that every seed that went in showed good signs of life will save me this year.

Now I just have to figure out what to do with the Pontiac Reds. I don't sense life there either.

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