
Sufficient for Our Need
Striving for Self-Sufficiency in the Modern World

Monday, April 26, 2010

Compost, Mixed

I looked at the compost in both the leaf and the manure bins over the weekend. I didn't have to go too far under the surface of the manure bins to feel heat. The leaf bins still seemed cold, even when I went down half a foot.

I decided to combine them. The horse manure clearly brings more microbes to the process. I took compost out of the largest leaf bin and layered it with ingredients out of one of the manure bins (until I exhausted that and started taking from the next manure bin). I was able to fill two bins this way.

I actually did find some composted leaves at the bottom of the leaf bin, maybe a foot and a half from the bottom. Although the composting was pretty spotty, meaning that there were patches of dark composted leaves mixed in with leaves that had not yet begun to compost. I have one bin of leaves and about half a bin of manure that I need to yet mix. I quit because it got dark. Besides, an hour's worth of shoveling is sufficient exercise for me for one day.

It was windy today. I lost a pane out of the greenhouse. I am going to have to bolt the panes in I am afraid. I would not recommend this greenhouse to others.

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