
Sufficient for Our Need
Striving for Self-Sufficiency in the Modern World

Monday, April 12, 2010

Bed #7 Assembled

I finally had time and was able to persuade Jason and Hayley to help me finish my seventh raised bed box. They did most of the work. I just gave direction. I don't have the strength to help much. Pounding the half inch rebar through the holes is a bit of a challenge. I can do it but it takes time. They on the other hand each did well.

The biggest trick is getting the holes lined up again. We had waited two weeks since we cut the wood and drilled the holes. In that time wood will warp. At least this wood warped. Fortunately, we had some narrow pieces of plastic and some 3/8" rebar that we used to align the holes. We used the Stanley Fubar Jared gave me for Christmas as well the other hammers to pound the rebar through the holes

I tried to take photos of all the activities, but the camera got stuck on movie mode. That I was holding it sideways to get a portrait rather than a landscape view, thinking that I would get a better shot of Jason and Hayley makes it odd to view. But, hey, that's what happens. Even though the videos are sideways, you get the idea.

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