
Sufficient for Our Need
Striving for Self-Sufficiency in the Modern World

Saturday, April 17, 2010

New Nuc

Doug Shaw had made arrangements for us to get new nucs to replace the hives that had either died or needed to be replaced. Two became available today. At first, I was just going to let him take both of them because Kathy is still in the hospital and I felt my priorities were there. But, she needs rest more than me, so I called him this morning as he was driving to Larry Tate's to get them and told him I would take one.

I cleaned out the old hive and selected four reasonable brood frames, but them got a new hive body to put the frames in. They were very gentle. Neither of us saw the queen, so I need to go in next weekend and take a look to see if there is evidence of her laying eggs.

Kathy's little dog seems to really like bees.

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