
Sufficient for Our Need
Striving for Self-Sufficiency in the Modern World

Tuesday, March 29, 2011


I ordered rhubarb from Holland Bulb Farms back in February. The package finally arrived yesterday. I knew it was going to freeze last night, so I didn't plant as soon as I could. Plus, I have come down with a decent cold that has wiped out my energy. Today was a very nice day with temperatures in the low 60s F. So, I opened the package up today and planted. Just planting these few made me so tired I took an hour nap.

I ordered 6 plants -- 2 sets of 3. Each had 4 roots in them, although one of the roots was very small and the other root was actually still somewhat attached (just by a thread) to another root. So I planted 8 roots. These roots are different from what I have seen in the past. The crown was less well defined. In one case at least I just made a best guess about which end should be up.

Rhubarb pies have been a family tradition as long as I can remember. My mother used to always have a rhubarb pie ready for me when I came home to visit. I request rhubarb pie for my birthday instead of cake. The rhubarb we had earlier died out a couple of years ago and we have been surviving on the stems I cut and froze but finally used the last of it on my last birthday. The new rhubarb won't be ready to harvest for a year, and then only sparingly. So I will have to supplement with rhubarb from the store. (I actually found some in a store last year.) But, it's good to know we are getting back in business.

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