I assessed the status of my garlic and onions. Despite my early attempt to keep them covered, i left them exposed most of the harsh winter in their beds. The garlic I bought from Seed Savers Exchange, Chet's Italian Red, did very well. The only weak garlic plants were the two I planted from garlic I found in the refrigerator.
The Long Red Florence onions did not do as well. I only had a few survive.
The Yellow of Parma onions on the other hand did really well and survived nicely. I don't think I lost any that had sprouted.
I decided to supplement the Long Red Florence bed with some new onions. A friend had encouraged me to plant onion seedlings that were supposed to be available at Webster Brothers. I drove there and only found sets. I wanted red onions if I could get them, but they only had white and yellow. So I got just shy of 100 sets and planted them this afternoon. I may have to make another trip, probably to Kernersville Seed and Feed to get some more because the ones I got were only about half what I needed. Feed and Seed usually has red onions, so that should work.
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