The tomato seeds have been in the peat pots and under the lamp light for about 10 days now. The germination rate has been best for the Hungarian Heart seeds (91%). All but two have sprouted and they have grown cleanly, meaning the sprouts haven't had any obvious problems.
The Italian Heirlooms have done a bit less well. There are sprouts, to be sure, but the germination rate has been less (67%).
The germination rate for the John Baer seeds has been 80% so far, but some of these seedlings have the interesting problem of the primary leaves not being able to shed the seed casing. You can see what has happened a bit better in the photo on the right. Both have carried the casing with them. I figure it is just best to let the seedling work it out. My guess is that the John Baer seeds would benefit from being planted a bit deeper so that when the initial stem arches up, the casing remains trapped in the soil. Of course, the other difference, obvious to me, is that the soil they are in is a different type than the soil that the other two sets were planted in.
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