My friend Doug works for Fed Ex. They are closing down the operation he works for in Greensboro and it looks like he is moving to Memphis. His chicken coop has also been recently liquidated by varmints of one kind or another. So, he offered me all the chicken manure we could scrape up from his coup. I got a load that filled my trailer.
There is a lot of straw in the mixture, but sufficient droppings to definitely make it worth getting. I've never had chicken manure before.
I brought it home and ran it through the chipper/shredder. It made big clouds of something as it processed through. I wore a mask to keep the stuff out of my lungs. The shredder pulverized the poop pellets and somewhat chopped up the straw. There were other things in the pile, so everything got pretty well mixed to boot.
I ended up with a bin of processed material. Because it was under Doug's coop and kept away from the rain, none of this has really had a chance to compost. I expect it to take six months or more.
The only other thing of note is that I noticed buds on the pears today. It has been a bit warm lately. Things will be blooming shortly. I wish I had bees in the yard, but I don't. I think I need to do a little pruning in the next week. The pears seem OK, it's trees that haven't shown any signs of buds that I need to get to.
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