This really has nothing to do with having sufficient for our needs, but I thought I would document it anyway. Everyday, I drive down a country road on my way to work. I've periodically seen wild turkeys as well as buzzards near the road. It is pleasant to think that I live in a place where there is still ample wildlife. Of course, there are plenty of deer and raccoons and occasional foxes and coyotes as well. But the birds are the most interesting to me.
I have noticed that there is a rafter of turkeys that have stationed themselves in one field in particular in the mornings. I took the camera with me today just to get a photo. I have noticed in the past couple of glances that some of the turkeys have a whitish shade to them. I wonder if the wild and domestic have been intermingling. I like the fact that in this photo, the tom has his tail feathers spread. When I got there, they were already heading off to the left into the woods, where I take it they hang out during the day.

The irony of this is that there used to be a turkey shoot very close to this field. We used to pass men out with their rifles in the evenings raising funds for a local Civitan organization. They weren't shooting turkeys, just targets. I wonder if they knew how close they were. Perhaps the turkeys stayed away until the shooting range got taken down this last winter.
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