
Sufficient for Our Need
Striving for Self-Sufficiency in the Modern World

Saturday, April 23, 2011

Orchard Report

I took a quick trip through the orchard to see how things were developing. I have two plum trees. I found fruit on one, the Methley, but not the other.

All three pear trees had fruit that was set.

I have six peach trees. Some of the fruit was set. This image was from the tree that was furthest along. Others had very small fruit, just starting to show. There were two trees on which I didn't see any fruit.

One of the peach trees had very weak leaf development and no fruit that I could see.

The apples all had fruit that had set. I will need to thin these out quite a bit. I have yet to get really good apples off any of the trees. One died last year.

Also, not pictured, both the apricots died, but the root sent up new wood. I kept one sapling alive on each tree and cut off the rest last year. I don't think I actually have an apricot tree anymore, just whatever the root stock sent up. If I knew about grafting and where I could get apricot branches, I will address this for both trees.

The persimmon is alive and growing leaves. It's an odd tree, but seems to be coming on strong this year. I'm hoping it will find a central branch to make the trunk. Right now, the strongest branch juts off to one side.

What I don't know how to do is treat the trees for the problems they will all face. It is not crucial that I learn immediately, but eventually I need to learn how to take care of the orchard.

1 comment:

  1. Spraying will be required if you are to combat disease and pests. That has been my experience so far. Hope you have success with natural methods.
