
Sufficient for Our Need
Striving for Self-Sufficiency in the Modern World

Thursday, November 26, 2009


There are things to be thankful for. Mostly, even during a recession, we live in a land of plenty. It's better to live today during a recession than in the 1300s when the Black Plague raged, for instance. But it is even better to be alive today than in the 1930s and 1940s. I guess you can even make the case that, with the demise of disco, vinyl records, and polyester, it is better today than in the 1970s and 1980s.

I personally am thankful for the same things that would matter in any age. I comfortable companion who accepts me for what and who I am and children who never cease to make my life interesting.

My family, of course, comes with a heritage. Those who left me with genetic and psychological qualities and who provided me with life-molding experiences. They survived much more trying times but continued to see life as worthwhile and my life as holding promise. I'm not sure what my distant relatives -- those who survived the Black Plague long enough to procreate -- contributed, but I have no doubt that they did.

And then there is the sailboat. A very great surprise birthday present from Kathy, Jeff, and Jenna. It's something to be thankful for. I hope it doesn't cause an early demise once I start sailing it in earnest.

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