
Sufficient for Our Need
Striving for Self-Sufficiency in the Modern World

Tuesday, November 17, 2009


The end of daylight savings and the limited hours of light do have an effect. It is just harder to find time for a working person to do the chores that need to be done. In the past week, I have accomplished only a couple of tasks; picked and stored a couple of heads of broccoli and combined two smaller bins of composted horse manure. Of course, my 60th birthday left me doing other things as well. So, now I am faced with some small chores that I need to find time to do. Here is my list:
-- Go to the horse barn and get a load or two of manure.
-- Clean out the two raised beds that don't have anything planted.
-- Lay out and build three new raised beds (sort of a bigger chore).
-- Rake leaves.
-- Put the leaves and other dead plant materials that has been piled up through the shredder and get a new bin of compost started.

Most of this has to be Saturday work. The challenge is that I don't have the stamina or desire to spend an entire Saturday trying to get them all done. I will have to try to figure out what I can do in short periods before work, because that is the only time there is light available. (I haven't figured it all out yet.) I went out this morning and spent 12 minutes raking leaves. I timed the start when Jenna left to walk to the bus and the end when the bus arrived.

The temperatures have been warm and I still have the covers off the cold frames. It got down to 38 yesterday morning, but it is getting into the high 60s and low 70s during the day. I think that might be too warm to leave the beds covered. Some November! I am watching for colder weather.

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