
Sufficient for Our Need
Striving for Self-Sufficiency in the Modern World

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

More Cold Frames

It was 30 degrees when I woke up this morning, with the over-night low being 29. So, the cold weather is upon us. I'm glad to have installed the covers on the cold frames yesterday.

I looked at the broccoli. I have one large head. It seemed OK, but I will need to check it again.

At lunch I bought more plywood for the two frames I want to put over the broccoli and carrots and onions. I have one cover ready to go (#3). I need to make a fourth.

This evening, I started making the frame. I had Jeff help me cut the plywood into 2" boards. The last time (which was the first time), I wasn't as concerned about precision. As a result, the boards weren't as well formed (size varied just a bit more than I should have let it) and I tried to drill press multiple boards at the same time. This time, I watched closely as we cut the boards. I used a template I had created on Excel to mark where the holes should be drilled and I drilled the holes on one board at a time. I am very pleased with the result. The joints lined up much more cleanly.

It was too cold and dark to get the frames installed, so Kathy and I just put sheets on the broccoli for tonight.

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