
Sufficient for Our Need
Striving for Self-Sufficiency in the Modern World

Monday, June 14, 2010

Rutgers Transplant

Last week I bought 2 four-packs of Rutgers tomatoes at the Farmer's Market. I saw that 6 of the tomato plants that I had transplanted earlier weren't going to make it (2 Marglobe and 4 Brandywine). I wanted an additional variety of heirloom tomatoes and by all accounts Rutgers has been a standard.

This morning, I transplanted each of the 8 seedlings into larger pots using the same method I had used earlier. Pat P. suggested adding a little Epsom salt to the mixture to boost the magnesium level of the soil, but I found none in the house. I may work this in later when transplanting from pot to raised bed. The plants from the Farmer's Market were healthier generally than what I grew. I have the need to learn more about growing from seeds.

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