I had some time this morning and went out and shoveled one bin of compost into the empty bin next to it. I am seeing a little progress now.
The lack of moisture has been corrected. As I put this bin's contents into its new home, steam seeped out. So there is some heat being generated. The color is better; a dark brown. And some of the content is starting to transform and disappear from its original material; the leaves are breaking down into specks of matter.
Four of my transplanted tomatoes have died. These were the ones I put into containers because I cannot yet transplant them into the garden because the new boxes are not finished. (Jared was here for Jason's wedding and helped me cut and stack wood for the next box but we didn't have time to drill holes yet.) I went to the Farmer's Market and bought 8 Rutgers tomato seedlings. They are in good shape and will give me yet another variety of heirloom for seeds.
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