
Sufficient for Our Need
Striving for Self-Sufficiency in the Modern World

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Onions Step 3

Step 3 of processing onions is cutting off the bad stuff, dicing, and freezing. The onions for the most part are either small, which means that it takes a lot of time to get a little bit done, or they have heat spots where they got too warm when I dried the roots and stalks and started to cook in the field. Kathy and I worked through about 20% so far. At least we will have onions to cook with. We are storing them either in Food Saver bags or Ziploc bags.

I ordered new onion seed from the Seed Savers Exchange. More of the long red Florence and Yellow Parma. Last year I thought I would start the seed closely spaced and then transplant. It didn't work. I never transplanted because the pattern was too random. This year I think I will just plant them like I want them to grow and make sure the seeds sprout.

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