
Sufficient for Our Need
Striving for Self-Sufficiency in the Modern World

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Apple Tree Problems

Not being an arborist or having any training in caring for an orchard, I am not skilled at understanding how to care for my trees. I simply planted them and have assumed that when I needed to know, I would go searching for knowledge and figure things out. (It's a hobbyist attitude, I know.)

So far, I have assumed that the apple trees, now 6 or 7 years old, just needed time to grow. They have produced small fruit each year, but nothing amazing. The trees themselves are still relatively small. I recently noticed that there are branches that have simply died on two of the trees. So now I have my wake up call. I haven't had a chance to really figure things out yet because other things are taking my time. I suspect my first task should just be to prune off the dead branches. I would like to know what is happening though, and so my second task is to figure out what is going on. Right now, I don't understand it.

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