
Sufficient for Our Need
Striving for Self-Sufficiency in the Modern World

Friday, June 11, 2010

Measured Progress

I remember when I was young, perhaps 6 or 7, I wanted to build a model boat out of some wood I had found in our garage. I think some must have been very thin, like the wood used in an old style bushel basket. My brother said he would help me, but, for one reason or another, didn't get to it very quickly. So, I did something on my own. It didn't turn out like he had imagined; not in anyway whatsoever. I remember being chided for being impatient. But then, I was very young and independent minded.

It is interesting how patient I am with projects at this stage of my life. Building the raised beds has spanned months. I am now completing the last of the set of three I have set out to build this year. Jason and Michael Bolen dug the beds back at the end of March. I bought the wood for this bed last weekend. But, the progress has been measured. Jared and I cut the wood and arranged it one day. I clamped it to make it straight and stable for drilling holes that day. I drilled half the holes one evening and the other half the next day. Jenna helped me move them from the garage (where I do the controlled assembly) to the garden another day. I laid out the guideline twine and put the first three layers of wood one day. I put the fourth (top) layer of wood and made sure the holes lined up on three of the corners and clamped it in place yesterday. Today, Jeff and I pounded 1/2" rebar into the three holes in one corner.

I have the patience and persistence to make this kind of measured progress now. In theory, two reasonably strong people should be able to complete one from start to finish in a day, maybe less. It just doesn't work that way for me. However, measured progress is good enough and the garden beds are gradually expanding. It will probably be at least another month before the top soil and mulch are added. (The compost is coming -- slowly.)

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