I pulled the onions that had gone to seed in one of my beds. The replacement crop is going to be Lima beans. I noticed that the soil level had dropped about 3" from where it was originally. Some of it is just because it has become compacted a bit. But I can't help but think some of it disappears into the plants that it supports.
I put what was left from one compost bin into the soil as I prepared it. Eight loads in the small cart, probably not filled all the way to the top. It raised the soil level back to where it had been a year or so again. Of course, mixing it helped a little to as it freed up the soil a bit.
Then, out of the blue, Jessica told Kathy that the farm where she manages horses had manure ready to pick up. I got a trailer full. It is pretty lumpy and dry. I really want to run it through the shredder/chipper and mix it with other things that have been thrown into the compost bin in the past six months. I expect it will take another six months to be ready. At least that's the way things have gone in the past. It sounds funny to say it, but I'm glad to have manure again.
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