My buddy Doug is moving to Memphis. FedEx closed his position in Greensboro and so the move to Memphis is the result. He was originally going to try to take his bees with him, but there were too many things happening. So I told him I would take them. He came over and made a spot in my natural area. It's where I'm going to move one of my hives from Clarence's when it's time, so this is a good preparation for it. Doug will take them to his new place in February when they are pretty much dormant.
He brought them over this evening. One or more of his hives were not pleased to be moved. Doug had been stung at his house before arriving here, so he was a magnate for his angry bees. He must have had 20-25 stings by the time he was done. They transferred their anger to me as well. I got stung twice on my neck and once on my ankle. They followed us all the way from the natural area into the garage.
I am now lathered with and ingested of benedryl. Once the stingers came out, the pain has subsided, but the stings feel hot. Alas, no anaphylaxis. I hope they settle down a bit. Fortunately, being in the natural area keeps them away from a lot of stuff.
It's amazing what we will do for those we love! Doug does love his bees!