
Sufficient for Our Need
Striving for Self-Sufficiency in the Modern World

Saturday, June 2, 2012

46 Garlic

Today I harvested garlic. I had plucked out a couple before today and plucked 46 more today. Many of the bulbs had started to make offshoots. Left with their stems on, I figure it amounts to about 20 pounds. Honestly, this is more than we will use in a year. I harvested 30 something last year and ended up giving at least half away. This year, I will try to do something different, like mincing some and either drying the garlic or mixing it with olive oil or something. I think I will look online for ideas. For now, I have then braided and hanging in the garage to dry.

Just for the record, these garlic are from cloves I harvested last year. Nearly all cloves came up. I believe they are Chet's Red.

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