
Sufficient for Our Need
Striving for Self-Sufficiency in the Modern World

Monday, September 20, 2010


Every morning as I look at the bed in which I planted the garlic cloves and onion seeds last week, I see a strange pattern on the surface of the bed. I am guessing, but I think there are small animals that make foraging runs just under the surface of the bed, pushing the soil up slightly. As I water, I usually find a hole about half an inch in diameter on one end the goes back down underground.

I'm not sure my photography captures this well enough to see, but I think you can see one of the tracks I observed this morning. It goes from left to right from the top of the photo and then makes an abrupt turn that curves back to the left.

I thought initially that this might be evidence of a vole. We've seen voles in the yard before, mostly because of what the cats have dragged in. But voles are generally much larger. I can't imagine a cut worm that large. Whatever it is, I hope it is finding no food and decides to leave. I hope it isn't finding a meal on the garlic or clover.

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