
Sufficient for Our Need
Striving for Self-Sufficiency in the Modern World

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Critters 2

I am now paying close attention to the bed in which I planted the garlic and Florence onion seed. Every morning, there is evidence of small critters burrowing just beneath the surface. I was careful to look for the animal's descending holes. There are more there than I originally thought. I'm not sure how many critters there might be, but I presume, given the distribution of evidence throughout the bed, that there must be several.

The photo below shows the size of the holes that go down into the bed. (That's a quarter next to the hole.) They are not large. I don't know what the animals might be living off of. I have had two garlic sprout. (The ones from the fridge.) That is all and those have been left alone.

If the onions will sprout and grow, I won't have a problem. My suspicion is that the critters are going to disrupt the bed enough, even if they don't consume the seeds, that sprouting will become a challenge. I planted a second bed with the Yellow of Parma seed. There has been no evidence of critters in that bed, so I may have something to compare productivity with.

I am getting myself prepared for a war. Right now I wish I had a pet black snake or something.


  1. Ants do this in my hoop house. Not sure what kind but they are large and red.

  2. Put out some flour and see if you can see tracks.
