
Sufficient for Our Need
Striving for Self-Sufficiency in the Modern World

Saturday, September 18, 2010


Six or seven years ago, I bought an Ames Easy Roller cart to move mulch and dirt with. About 3 years ago, it developed a crack in the front face. The crack was caused by strain put on that side of the cart when I lifted the cart up over the front of the compost bins. Then, two winters ago, when the cart was left outside in the winter, water froze in the bottom of the cart after rain or snow and it cracked the bottom of the cart. Since then, the front of the cart has fractured even more. It still holds together to a degree, but it has become hard to use. I looked a while back at Lowes for a replacement, because it has been very serviceable otherwise, but when I looked last, I didn't see any Easy Rollers for sale.

I went to get some lime and fertilizer at Lowes this morning. I thought I would look in the wheelbarrow aisle to see what they had. Easy Rollers were there, but so was this little cart called an Easy Go.

It was a bit less expensive that the Easy Roller ($23 vs $34), but held nearly as much (2.5 versus 3.0 cubic feet). The handle is also a better height; I don't have to lean over to grab the handle, which wasn't the case with the Easy Roller. I thought about it and decided that, if I really need a new Easy Roller, I now know where to find one, but it would be just as good to try out the cheaper Easy Go.

Here's my one day review. The wheels are a bit small and so there is a balance problem. You have to pull squarely or the cart tends to tip. Something that can be mastered. Pulling it from the garden to the garage with a heavy load wasn't effortless. Filling it with compost was OK, but it tips over without a load in it, so it has to be set against something when you start. On the other hand, emptying it was very easy. So, I still may get another Easy Roller, but I am happy to work with the Easy Go for now.

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