
Sufficient for Our Need
Striving for Self-Sufficiency in the Modern World

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Who Needs Horseradish?

Kathy and I finally processed the horseradish from the garden. Wow! It's not so much the fragrance as it is the effect the chemicals have on your eyes and lungs. I'm not sure sting is the correct term.

We peeled the skin off the roots, rinsed them, and put them in the Cuisinart blender with the blade. I think it was the chopping that released whatever it was into the air. We processed about 3 cups, which in horseradish terms is a lot of horseradish.

Kathy found a prepared horseradish recipe online. I'm not sure which site she found the recipe at, but it had these ingredients and proportions.

They don't sell jelly jars in March in any of the local stores, so we put it up in pint jars -- two and a quarter. We may subdivide later.

Now, something to put it on. . .

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