
Sufficient for Our Need
Striving for Self-Sufficiency in the Modern World

Saturday, March 20, 2010


Karl Knutson and his daughters came to help me reforest this morning. Jason and I had marked off where the tulip poplars were to be planted in the area of the yard that I had let go natural last summer. The area is 60' x 60'. I figured a method of planting that allowed us to get 60 trees in the area evenly spaced in 8 rows; 4 rows of 8 trees that alternated with 4 rows of 7 trees. Trees and rows were all spaced at 8' with a 2' border all around.

Karl and his daughters did all the work. It helps to have machinery. The auger did the work in about a fourth of the time it would have taken me and they didn't need to take that many breaks to rest.The auger created a nice hole to plant in. It was well worth having someone else do this one. I hope the result will be what I anticipate. Tulip poplars are supposed to grow fast and provide nectar for the bees. The saplings provided by the Department of Forestry Resources are very small. I'm not sure what proportion will grow.

While they had the auger in the yard, I asked them to dig me a few extra holes to plant some 2-year old asparagus that Linda Dusenbury gave me.

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