
Sufficient for Our Need
Striving for Self-Sufficiency in the Modern World

Saturday, July 20, 2013

Problematic Pears

I'm not an orchardist. For Christmas, I received two books about orcharding, but neither prepared me for what has been happening to my pears.

I pruned the trees in February. The three trees had grown quite too tall for me to manage and so I did some drastic cutting. Perhaps I left some open wounds. Although the damage I am seeing hasn't been specifically around where I cut, but on a wide range of branches. Only two of the three trees have been affected. One theory I keep popping around in my head is that somehow, I ended up with a parasite. Or, it could me a number of problems.

I went out this evening and pruned off the branches that had dead leaves and shriveling fruit. Because I'm not skilled, I don't know what else I should be doing. I need to do some research about this.

Other than this, I actually have an abundance of fruit on all three pear trees. This is a very different situation than what I have found on my peaches and plums, which are almost bare.

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