I woke up today determined to get something done, despite work during the day and my assignment at the family history center this evening. So, I picked out some planting tray inserts, wetted some potting soil and planted Italian Basil seeds (27 plastic pots) this morning and then planted some Anaheim peppers (4 peat pots) and Habanero peppers (4 peat pots) and Marigolds (12 plastic pots) this evening. Except for the Basil, the seeds were from last year's garden. I planted multiple seeds in each pot. Hey! I had a lot of seeds, more than I will use and I'm not sure about germination rates for saved seeds.
The Marglobe tomatoes are making progress. For the past couple of days I was putting them in the greenhouse with the door and the top vent open, just to get some extra light. However, the temperature in the greenhouse has been as high as 135F, so today I just put them outside on a table on the deck during the day. The plants are all past the cotyledon stage and each has a pair of leaves coming off the epicotyl. I still feel they are tender and most of the stems don't have much strength. I have yet to thin them.
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