I've never grown sweet potatoes before. Back in June, I saw a 9-pack at Lowe's and thought, "what the heck!" The 9-pack quickly became an 8-pack as one didn't have the wherewithall to survive.
I honestly didn't know what to expect or how to grow them or what conditions they liked. With "potato" in the name, I presumed they would grow like potatoes. Unlike potatoes, they sent out long vines, but that was just something new to note. I didn't know if the tubers would form from the original plant or if they would form along the vine. I just kept them watered and let them go.

So, last night I harvested. I got a little less than 20 pounds from the eight plants. They emerged in all sorts of sizes, shapes and colors. While most were the pink I associate with sweet potatoes, there were some that had very dark skin. I'm wondering if I left them in the ground too long or if they have some sort of blight. (After posting this the first time, I read up on it and think I have scurf.) It will be something to ask my seasoned friends in the future.

The varied sizes make me wonder what cooking them will be like. I guess I will find out soon. Next year, I will probably do the same thing; wait until I harvest the regular potatoes before I plant them, although I might do better planting a little earlier. I presume they can be grown just like regular potatoes from seeds.
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