
Sufficient for Our Need
Striving for Self-Sufficiency in the Modern World

Monday, November 22, 2010

Empty Water Barrels

I went out this morning, thinking that I would start the process of getting the new beds ready to plant spinach seeds. I've counted 192 seeds (4 x 4 x 12) and got them soaking. I've tested the new soil for pH (6.5 in all beds). So I thought I would water them down.

I went to get the hose and heard a slight sucking sound as I picked it up. The cock that closes off the hose was just slightly turned to one side. I opened it up all the way and got absolutely no water. So I took off the screen on the barrel I typically use to test the depth in the barrels. I couldn't see any water or reach it when I stuck my arm through the hole. I went inside a retrieved my measuring stick. I think there is maybe 3 inches in the bottom, below the faucet inset in each barrel.

So, I either the valve on the hose was just open enough to allow the water to slowly drain, or I have a broken hose. We have had cold weather, but I am hoping it wasn't the latter. I've closed the valve completely, but I have to wait for rain to figure this out.

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