
Sufficient for Our Need
Striving for Self-Sufficiency in the Modern World

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Garlic and Onions 2

This is just a progress update. I had thought I had a 90% germination rate for the onion seed I planted. I have been going through both beds this week, replanting seeds in spots where I saw no evidence of the original seed sprouting. I think my original germination rate was less than that; probably 75% to 80%. On the other hand, the weed germination rate must be much higher than that. I am trying to eliminate the weeds as I go along, but they are very small. I can't grab them with my fingers because they are so small, so I have been using the chop stick to disturb the soil. I think I will have a lot of weeding to do in the next weeks.

In addition to the 2 garlic plants from the fridge, 27 of the Seed Savers Exchange garlic have now sprouted. That is of 30 that were planted. They are coming up slowly. I am hoping to get 100% germination. I will add a clove or two from the fridge if I don't get the remainder to sprout in a week.

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