
Sufficient for Our Need
Striving for Self-Sufficiency in the Modern World

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

July Is Slow

We finally got rain yesterday. A lot of rain; about 2 inches. It knocked over some tomato plants, but other than that, everything just seemed to really thrive. It seemed that the zucchini and yellow squash added two or three leaves per plant over night. July is slow, but the zucchini and squash are taking off. I noticed today that I had squash bugs on every plant. They aren't very fast or clever, so they are easy to catch and destroy. But every time I looked, I saw 2 or 3 more, mostly in the mating position. I know the odds of outwitting them totally is low, and I don't plan any extravagant pest control applications, but I am dedicated to killing them whenever I can. There are also some little yellow and black striped beetles I haven't identified yet. They seem plentiful.

The cucumbers really liked the rain. I picked a bunch today. There has been a bumper crop all season.

I decided to plant some green beans today as well. It may be a little late in the season, but I have an empty bed. I had a mixture of seeds, so I dumped them out on the table, counted 196 out (8 rows 12 deep) and put them in the open bed. We are expecting more rain later. It seems like a good time to get them in the ground.

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