
Sufficient for Our Need
Striving for Self-Sufficiency in the Modern World

Thursday, July 22, 2010

I Hate July

I hate July for gardening.

I've lost one of the yellow squash plants already. I presume to squash bugs. When the squash plants go, they just die quickly. I have 4 zucchini and 3 yellow squash left to go. No harvest from any of them yet.

About 3/4 of the tomatoes (at least) have blossom end rot. Next year, I will plant from other seed. I will also plant further apart. (The plants seem healthy with plenty of stocks.) I may even try staking them like my elders do. Of course, this calls for a lot more lime, but I'm not so sure that water or lack of it doesn't also play a role. I haven't harvested from the newest plants yet, so there may yet be hope.

The bean are up but a goodly proportion have had their first real leaves nibbled away. The crop was just planted to keep the ground occupied, so it isn't a great loss. I expect to harvest all we can use eventually, even if it isn't much.

I harvested grapes. I really don't like the variety (Mars) I planted. I was late and didn't get everything I should have, but I'm not sure what we will do with them anyway.

I just feel that failure is all around me out there.

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