
Sufficient for Our Need
Striving for Self-Sufficiency in the Modern World

Thursday, July 8, 2010

Hot July

Temperatures in North Carolina have been very hot of late, into the high 90's. I've used a lot of water from the water barrels, at least 10 gallons per day. The plants in the raised beds are doing ok. Amazingly, the grapes have sustained themselves and are gradually ripening. They don't get any extra water. I planted them where I did because I thought there must be some underground water source, an underground spring of sorts.

My disappointment with the grapes is not that they have actually produced fruit, but that the vines have been slow to grow. I suspect now that I should have cut off the fruit and forced the vines to grow, but I didn't do that and I'm not actually convinced that it would have had that much effect.

The zucchini and yellow squash I planted is now up and growing. I have seen nothing of the cilantro or cucumber seeds I planted at the same time. It's entirely possible that I have no clue about what I am doing with seeds, especially seeds I have saved myself.

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