
Sufficient for Our Need
Striving for Self-Sufficiency in the Modern World

Sunday, May 23, 2010

Small Things

It's that time of the season when you mostly watch and wait. And I haven't done much. So there has been little for me to report about.

My tomatoes are looking weak. I expected them to start growing vigorously once planted in their beds, but they are, generally speaking, just limping along. There are a few that have started to grow a little. Several have started looking very spindly. One was so bad off that I replaced it with a new seedling from the greenhouse. I don't understand the problem. There are a lot of things that I could have done wrong and I have thought extensively about it. I have no answers yet.

The potatoes are, for the most part, doing well. I still pick off Colorado Potato Beetles every day. There are some plants, maybe six or seven of the Yukon Gold, that have not thrived. The Pontiac Red all seem to be doing quite well.

The onions are growing well. I haven't seen them start to bulb yet, but I have a month left to go.

I started turning the compost. I have added a significant amount of water to keep the composting going. In two of the three bins at least, that seems to be helping.

I transplanted three of the cucumber plants I started from seed into a strawberry patch where strawberry plants hadn't made it. The strawberries are starting to develop. I am plucking off any flowers I see until they get well established.

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