
Sufficient for Our Need
Striving for Self-Sufficiency in the Modern World

Friday, May 14, 2010

Non Compost Mentis

I have been mixing my compost. This now consists of moving the compost in one bin to an empty one next to it. The first bin wasn't bad, but it wasn't great. It had that compost smell to it, suggesting that some composting was going on. It also had begun to look darker than the leaf color of the shredded leaves.

This morning, I started moving the second bin. It was dry. It was very light gray. It had no compost odor to it. It was just sitting and not doing its job.

I poured about 20 gallons of water into the second bin and about 10 into the first bin. I suspect lack of moisture is the cause of nothing happening. It's been too dry. I had to use water from the well to do it; my rain water is too precious.

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