
Sufficient for Our Need
Striving for Self-Sufficiency in the Modern World

Sunday, May 16, 2010

About 3/8"

We finally got a somewhat decent rain last night. Nice thunder, too.

It is hard for me to measure without a specifically designed rain gauge, but I estimated about 3/8" based on what was in the container I set out on the deck.

It yielded about 95 gallons in the rain barrels. I figure 1 inch on the measuring stick equals roughly 10 gallons in the system and I got about 9 1/2" more in the barrels. I am still trying to figure the efficiency out, but it appears that roof catchment area results in about a 250:1 benefit, 250 gallons for 1 inch of rain. Basically, a little still yields a lot. The barrels are not yet full.

The plus on this bit of rain is that I can take Sunday off from having to water the garden. I like that.

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