
Sufficient for Our Need
Striving for Self-Sufficiency in the Modern World

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Cold Frames

I'm trying it again. I've covered two of the cold frame hoops with plastic. The beds have broccoli that is just on its way to growing. I am hoping that this year, unlike last year, the cold frames will be able to keep things alive. I've covered them for the past week. I took the covers off today to allow the rain to soak as much as it could, although the rain was rather light. It's already 34 and Kathy and I just went out to put the covers on. There was already frost on the twin sheet that I have over the cauliflower. (I had to use a sheet because where I planted them I didn't have hoops installed.) It's frozen several nights and things have survived so far. I hope we weren't too late this evening.

Of course, I don't need cold frames over the onions or garlic. Last year, I had four covers. One of them had water in it when it was stored and when I tried to unfold it, it just broke apart. I have one left that I haven't tested. I may try putting that over one of the onion beds to see if it helps things along when it gets a bit colder.

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