
Sufficient for Our Need
Striving for Self-Sufficiency in the Modern World

Monday, June 27, 2011

Water Source

North Carolina is in a technical drought again. However, I just checked with a statistical source and that doesn't seem to add up. However, it hasn't rained in several weeks (more than just a few showers that didn't actually accumulate anything).

We have a drain on the side of the house that takes the condensation away when the air conditioner is working. The water just drips, but I wondered the other day how much I could accumulate if I put a watering can underneath the drip. I think this is a 3 gallon can, but it may be smaller. I filled it up 3 times during the course of the day. So that is between 6 and 9 gallons, just from the air conditioner.

I am thinking of creating a small hose that will run from the spout to the water barrels. A little extra water for the garden is always welcome.

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