
Sufficient for Our Need
Striving for Self-Sufficiency in the Modern World

Friday, December 11, 2009

December Veggies

After several nights with temperatures in the low 20s I was curious about how veggies in the cold frames have been doing. (last night, it got down to 20F.) Yesterday I uncovered one of the frames and picked some spinach. Spinach will usually survive these temperatures but lettuce won't. However, the lettuce looked just fine. (And the spinach, sauteed in olive oil with a little soy sauce and ginger, tasted pretty good.) It has also been pretty windy the past week. The bungee cords held everything down very well.

Last night Kathy cooked some carrots that had been harvested and stored in the refrigerator. They had started to deteriorate. I had presumed that, since we buy carrots that are stored in the refrigerated section of the grocery that they would do fine there. When I examined the rest, they looked like they were on the verge of some kind of transformation. So, last night I took out what remained in the refrigerator, peeled off the skin, parboiled them, and repackaged them with the FoodSaver for freezing. They mostly seemed good, but next time I should remember to just freeze them from the start.

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